These terms and conditions form the basis of the contract between Music of Life and customers (referred to as ‘you’). Music of Life reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time and without notice.
- In most cases Music of Life plans to deliver 36 sessions over the year, usually 12 lessons per term, either face to face or via online delivery.
- The number of lessons per term may vary due to term and holiday dates.
- Fees are payable 3 times a year before the start of a new term, and in advance of tuition.
- The minimum commitment and charge for lessons is until the end of term in which attendance begins.
- Invoices will be issued in advance of tuition and all payments should be made by bank transfer (bank details to be found on invoice)
- Pupils will be automatically re-enrolled and invoiced for the same lessons every term unless appropriate notice has been given (see withdrawal below)
- Where payment has not been made in advance, Music of Life reserves the right to discontinue service until full payment has been received. Continued non-payment of fees may result in your place being withdrawn.
- If you are experiencing any financial difficulty then please contact Music of Life to discuss alternative payment arrangements. All information will be dealt in the strictest confidence.
- Fees will not be refundable for any absence or short term illness. In cases of long term health problems, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss. A medical certificate may be required.
- Fees are reviewed annually.
Missed lessons, credits and refunds
- Music of Life does not offer credits or refunds for lessons missed by pupils, for any reason.
- If Music of Life cancels a lesson, it will endeavour to make up the lesson provided.
- On the rare occasion that a Music of Life tutor is absent for any reason Music of Life will endeavour to replace them with a substitute tutor or make up the lessons at another time.
- Where this is not possible Music of Life may offer a credit for the lesson or a refund. Credits and refunds will normally be considered at the end of the year when it is clear how many lessons have been completed.
- In the event of an emergency or closure of a school (full or partial) due to an event outside Music of Life’s control (e.g. force majeure, a pandemic, flooding, heavy snow or industrial action), where possible, lessons will be delivered online or rescheduled within the academic year.
- If a school is unable to continue hosting music lessons for any reason (or a pupils is self isolating), Music of Life will endeavour to reschedule the lessons to take place online.
- Lessons automatically continue term on term and year on year until appropriate notice of withdrawal is received.
- Pupils may only withdraw from lessons or membership at the end of term with written notice.
- Written notice for withdrawal should be made via email to by the following dates;
- 8 November to withdraw at the end of the Autumn term
- 21 February to withdraw at the end of Spring term
- 1 June to withdraw at the end of Summer Term
- Music of Life reserves the right to charge a late notice fee of 50% of the termly fees if the required notice to withdraw from lessons is not given.
- Once lessons have started in any term, the full term’s payment is due in lieu of notice for that term.
- If a pupil withdraws part way through a term, the term’s charges remain payable in full.
- Music of Life does not accept liability for loss or damage to pupil’s instruments or personal possessions. You should arrange appropriate insurance for these items
Personal Data & Privacy
Music of Life collects and keeps personal information for the delivery of music tuition. This information will be stored in accordance with our Privacy Statement
I confirm that I agree to the Terms and Conditions of Music of Life regarding the provision of individual lessons and use of my personal data as per Music of Life Privacy Statement.